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Office of Undergraduate Scholarships

Your Hub for Scholarships


一般申请和所有推荐的机会应在 GO System by FEBRUARY 15, 2024 被考虑申请由大学资助的奖学金 2024-2025 academic year. 这些奖学金包括由USM基金会和各种 为特定专业,兴趣团体,九游会国际参与和南方 Miss Alumni Association.

GO系统提供各种奖学金机会 incoming and continuing students九游会国际的本科和研究生阶段. Once admitted, all 学生可以搜索、审查要求、申请和接受大学奖学金 in one web portal! 只需用您的SOAR证书登录即可开始.

Apply for scholarships now!

Scholarship and Financial Resources


iGrad provides access to a credible external scholarship database for students to utilize for additional funding. External organizations should address all payments to Business Services to be applied to the student's account. Students can also sync their student loans 从教育部到他们的iGrad账户,开始获得个性化 debt management assistance. 

Click here 下载iGrad关于如何申请奖学金的免费奖学金电子书.

Additional Scholarship Information

Academic Common Market (Out of State Students)

The Academic Common Market 是一项针对15个SREB州的大学生的学费节省计划,谁愿意 攻读州内学校不提供的学位. Students can enroll 在提供学位课程并支付学费的州外机构 in-state tuition rates. 有1900多个本科和研究生课程可供选择.

ACM项目不是竞争性的,也不是择优录取的,但申请人必须满足州的要求 residency and college program requirements.

  • 为了符合学术共同市场的资格,学生必须是SREB的居民 成员国,选择一个参与计划是批准的学术共同 他或她的国家的市场,并被无条件地允许进入该计划.


AIR FORCE ROTC -所有关于空军后备军官训练队的问题,请联系 Department of Aerospace Studies: call at 601-266-4468 or email at afrotcFREEgroups.Mississippi  


ARMY ROTC -对于所有你的陆军后备军官训练队的问题,请联系军事部门 Sciences: call 601-266-4456 or email at armyrotcFREEMississippi 


关于所有校友奖学金和会员福利的问题,请联系 Southern Miss Alumni Association: call at 601-266-5013 or email at alumniFREEMississippi

校友会每年奖励超过2万美元,用于挑选子女和孙辈 of Southern Miss alumni. 皮尔斯遗产学者计划,地区校友奖学金 和居民学费只是协会帮助鼓励和帮助的几个方面 培养选择九游会国际的家庭传统. Additionally, the Alumni Association 通过Elmo Lang Memorial管理和颁发奖学金给即将入学的新生 以及玛丽·洛琳·皮茨·巴菲特奖学金.  

Applications must be submitted by February 15 through the GO System for the upcoming fall semester. Students selected for scholarships will be notified by mail by April 30. 学生将被要求确认他们接受该奖项 in writing to the Alumni Association office by May 15. 

其他奖学金信息可点击查看 here.  

所有本科奖学金办公室对国际学生平等开放 that meet the requirements. 国际学生也包括在申请中 池自动考虑,自动匹配,并申请奖学金机会 provided by the University. 我们也鼓励您申请任何“其他推荐” opportunities" suggested for you in the GO System, as well as any on our website. We have also included additional external scholarship resources designated for international students. 留学美国一直与国际学生分享教育机会 for over 40 years. 我们只与高质量的、经过认证的英语语言课程合作, universities and colleges and reputable partners. StudyUSA+ helps students take advantage 通过在一个安全的平台上注册来发现这些机会. 国际奖学金搜索是最重要的经济援助,大学奖学金 为希望出国留学的学生提供国际奖学金资源. At this 网站,你会发现最全面的助学金,奖学金,贷款项目, 和其他信息,以协助高校学生在他们的追求 study abroad. IEFA是经济援助、大学奖学金和助学金信息的主要资源 为希望出国留学的美国和国际学生提供服务. At this site, you will 找到最全面的大学奖学金搜索和助学金列表,加上国际 学生贷款项目等信息,促进出国留学.  

对于你所有的军事福利需求,请联系 退伍军人,服务人员和家属中心: call at 601-266-4629 or email at VAFREEMississippi

USM有多达18个竞争性奖学金 GO System 通过退伍军人、服务人员和家庭中心提供. 这些信息因奖学金而异,但都是基于军事的. Log into the GO System to get matched to these opportunities and apply!


请联系指定的部门试镜,并考虑额外的 scholarships offered for program participation.

Contact Us

Office of Undergraduate Scholarships
Kennard-Washington (KWH) 200
118 College Drive #5011
Hattiesburg, MS 39406

Hattiesburg Campus

Campus Map



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